
This is our final project! Woah! I cannot believe that this semester has flown by. Going into my first year of college, I thought it would drag on, but I am seeing that these four years might just fly by.. Hopefully!
Our last project was simple, but challenging. Make a self portrait, then display yourself as a animal, vegetable  and mineral. My mind went crazy deciding what I was going to do. I planned to do my favorites. MY favortie animal is a penguin.. Easy! My favorite vegetable is a.... salad? I don't haver just one favortie! Salad it is! Then with the mineral, I had to do some searching and discovered that I'd make a collage like the salad... You'll see soon!

Project: Any medium, on a 9x12 paper. One of each: Self-portrait, animal, vegetable, and mineral!

Pre-Project: These are ROUGH sketches.. They are no where near good but they gave me an idea on what to do!

This is my pre-salad face! The eye is an olive, ear is a pepper, hair are leaves, mouth is corn, nose is celery! 

This is my animal pre-sketch. PENGUIN!

My mineral pre sketch was much harder. I had to look up on the internet for good ideas. I was on the periodic elements table and I used the meaning of the elements for my face. My mouth is a sun, my nose is topaz, my eye is a rose.

Final Project! 
I drew out each one with the projector in pencil that my professor let us use. It was very easy because I traced each object that I needed to trace

I wanted to have the full "me" in color. The other sections I did half B&W and half color because I love the idea of notan. This is one of my favorites because I loved using color to make me. This is also a very memorable picture that I love. To color this I used colored pencils. It took the longest to shade the eyes and nose. I used the projector to trace this picture out in pencil.

This is my vegetable section. I used many vegetables because I LOVE vegetables. Yes, my mom was lucky. I traced all of the vegetables and leaves out on the projector. The most fun on this section was my hair because it looks crazy and very textured. My least favorite was the shading of the nose. I could not quite get a right looking nose on any of my faces. I used colored pencils on the vegetable side and pencil on the me side. 

This in my mineral section. I liked this one because I knew no one would have the same idea as I did. I traced the outline of each side in pencil using the projector. This was fun to trace because as I was, other were looking at me funny. I used colored pencils on the mineral side and pencil on the me side. The hardest part was also the nose. I have tried many times in high school and now to get that down but I cannot. It is so difficult because the nose has no line, it is just shadows.

This is by far my favorite! I traced each side of this section with the projector in pencil, as I did with every other one. Penguins are my favorite animal; just looking at the makes me happy. I used colored pencils on the animal side and pencil on the me side. This is my favorite because my nose looks the best in this one. I think I got the shading done just right and it looks like a normal nose.

Overall, I am very pleased with this project as well as the whole class. I walked into this class with the impression that I would fail miserably. I was not thinking that I could get anywhere and I did. The professor made me feel like a true artist. He did look at techniques but on a different level for each student. That put my mind at ease and work with no worries. Another great part of the class is that no person judged or laughed at anyone's work. That helped me out a lot. This was a great experience for my first semester of college because it showed me that everyone is there for the same reason as I am. To graduate. No one is going to judge of pick fun at me because they are genuinely nice people at this campus. It also showed me that I should not be scared to show who I really am. I should be proud to go to Grand View and be proud of myself, and I am.


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