Graffiti Project

We came to class after our Notan project was evaluated and watched an interesting video about street art. It was called, Exit Through the Gift Shop. It was about the underground and quiet expression of art on streets and in cities. It was really cool to see how they accomplished such big works of art on a side of a building. A famous street artist is the anonymous Banksy. No one know who he is, which adds to the uniqueness to it all. He started out with small, little things around the city, then progressed to bigger works and even hosted shows. This is one of his works that I really like:
I like this piece of his work because it can happen in the near future if all of the human population keep fighting over silly things and goes to war so easily. We were assigned to do a graffiti piece also.

Graffiti Project: One 18x24 project with what we define as "Street Art." Any medium or techniques that we have used so far.

Graffiti Final:

For this project, we were encouraged to use magazine cut-outs. My boyfriend had a ton of car magazine so I started cutting out the ones I liked. I narrowed it down to two of my favorite and glued it on. It looked like they were really close to each other, so I decided they were going to go on a date. I glued on a table, flowers and chocolates. The cars did not look animated enough so I painted on eyes, mustache and some lips. I also drew out bricks in the background and used light brown  dark brown, gray, mustard, and rust red paint to paint the bricks. I blended up some of the colors together and blotted the bricks on. It was really easy to blend then blot. It was like I could not do it wrong, which was ensuring. This was a very fun one to do because I felt like I could do anything I wanted and it would be right.

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